November 2006
Important Reminder - File Form I-131 for Holiday Travel Before the End of the Month
USCIS warned that it anticipates an unsually high volume of requests for advance parole and other travel documents this winter and urged applicants needing a travel document to file Form I-131, Application for Travel Document, before the end of October 2006.
Congressional Research Service Report on the Immigration Consequences of Criminal Activity The Congressional Research Service (CRS) issued a report outlining the immigration consequences for aliens found guilty of criminal activity. Most crimes affecting immigration status are not specifically mentioned in the INA; rather, they fall within a broad category of crimes such as those involving moral turpitude or aggravated felonies. Certain criminal conduct may preclude a finding of good moral character, which is a requirement for naturalization and certain types of immigration relief.
USCIS Releases 144 Q&As for the Pilot Test of a New Naturalization Exam USCIS Director Emilio Gonzalez announced the release of 144 questions and answers for the pilot test of a new naturalization exam.