May 2007
Premium Processing Not Available for Certain I-140 Cases
The USCIS has terminated premium processing for I-140 Employer Petitions for cases requesting the replacement of beneficiaries. This termination was effective on Friday, May 18, 2007, and is the result of the publication of the long-expected U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) regulation terminating labor substitution cases.
Top 5 Concerns with Senate Bill The Senate "Grand Bargain" bill that is currently debated on the Senate floor, contains several unacceptable and unworkable provisions that must be addressed before any bill is passed in the Senate. While the "bargain" certainly contains many important and positive provisions-broad legalization, family backlog clearance, Agjobs, DREAM Act-these provisions cannot be accepted as a "trade-off" for devastating provisions that would harm families and workers for decades to come.
Senators and White House Reach Agreement on Immigration Reform Key senators and the White House reached an agreement on a plan that would create a temporary worker program that would allow millions to legalize. The plan would create a temporary worker program to bring new arrivals to the U.S. A separate program would cover agricultural workers.
DHS Extends TPS for Nationals of Honduras, El Salvador and Nicaragua On May 2, 2007, DHS Secretary Michael Chertoff announced his decision to extend Temporary Protected Status (TPS) designations for eligible nationals of Honduras, Nicaragua and El Salvador by an additional 18 months.